Tart Shell Tips
- this dessert definitely must be made in a springform pan
- the sweet tart dough on page 348 is an excellent recipe
- I would add the lemon zest
- I made my dough in a kitchen-aid with regular beater

- 2 tablespoons of sugar equals 30grams
- I always roll my pastry with plastic wrap on top- it helps to prevent sticking and doesn’t use excess flour
- once dough is placed over top of tart pan, gently push inside and up sides to ensure pastry is tight against sides
- use a rolling pin, roll over top and excess pastry will automatically fall off
- instead of beans or baking stones I always use granulated sugar/ it gets into all the groves for an even bake/ BONUS the almost caramel flavour sugar can be used in any recipe to add some depth of flavour
- always chill the pastry for a minimum of 1 hr prior to baking
The Fill

- If you make a lot of fruit pies you want to remember this trick- the almond flour/ sugar combo helps keep the bottom crust crisp
- no more soggy bottom pies- breadcrumbs work great, in bakery I use cookie crumbs
- 1 tablespoon of sugar equals 15 grams
Finishing Touch

You can make your tart a little fancy by adding whipping cream. Try adding a flavour that complements blueberries. I added a tablespoon of lemon curd to my whipping cream. Think about adding some extra flavour as well to the tart. Mint, basil or lavender would be lovely.
The Results
My rating of this recipe is 5 out of 5. I definitely will make again, but next tart I will use sweet cherries.
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