Fresh Baked Bread
Our 8th recipe from Baking with Dorie is Cinnamon Raisin Bread on page 17.
There is nothing like homemade fresh bread. This recipe is easy and the results are wonderful. If time is an issue, you can put dough in the fridge after 1st proof. Take dough out in the morning, shape and let rise for 2nd proof and then bake.


PLEASE use a scale to measure all you ingredients
- 2 tsp cinnamon = 8 grams
- 1 tsp salt = 6 grams
- 2 1/4 tsp of yeast = 7 grams (one packet)
- 2 tbs butter = 28 grams
- 1 tsp vanilla = 4 grams
Why Soak The Raisins.
- raisin are dehydrated fruit- when added to baked goods they tend to absorb liquid from the product
- soaking your raisins will give you a plumper and more flavoursome product
- Helps to keep raisins from burning (if a raisin or two is on the surface of the bread)
- hot water will definitely do the trick BUT I usually use juice, tea or a liquor
The window pane test
Here is a test to see if your dough has been kneaded enough. It’s called the windowpane test.
The Mix

A word on mixing
- once all ingredients are combined in Kitchen-aid I mixed on low with dough hook for 4min
- after 4min increased speed to high and mixed for another 8-10min (see above video to test if dough is ready)
- watch carefully as mixer tends to move at this speed
- mixer sometimes can overheat making bread dough (get a tea towel and soak in cold water and squeeze out water) place on top of mixer
- in the bakery I would use a commercial proofer, at home I use this amazing warming pad especially for proofing (available at Williams Sonoma)
2nd Proof/Shaping
- I found there was a lot of dough to put in one loaf pan. At bakery I usually measure 650 grams of dough for one loaf pan
- I ended up making one small loaf and using rest of dough to make twist bread on page 21/ I added apple for some extra flavour

The Results
I would rate this recipe 5 out of 5. It’s an excellent bread recipe that I will make over and over again.

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