
Gruyere Cheese
Gruyère (pronounced "groo-YAIR") is a smooth-melting type of Swiss cheese that's made from whole cow's milk. Not every cheese turns gooey when cooked, but Gruyère is an ideal cheese to use when the recipe's end result needs to be nice and creamy
Farm Fresh Eggs
Living on a farm we have the advantage of farm fresh eggs every day. Our girls are free range chickens are love all the scraps they get to eat. We get lovely large eggs with deep yellow yolks.
The Bake

- I decided to bake these in individual cassoulet dishes- perfect for a fancy breakfast brunch
- I omitted the leeks and added fresh asparagus on top
- I sprinkled some extra Gruyère cheese over asparagus
The Results
My rating of this recipe is 5 out of 5. This is the perfect base recipe: choose any add-ins of your choice. Options are endless. If you bake as single serving Stratas you can cater to individual tastes.
This is a community cookbook club where we want to see your photos of your end result. Don't forget to tag your photos on instagram with @smidgencookbookclub or post your photo on our facebook Bake Along with Smidgen

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St. Marys, On
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647 393 3821